Constructed in 1935, the synagogue was built following the installation of Parisian Jews in this pleasant suburb crossed by La Marne. Eminent rabbis such as Jacob Kaplan, Jean Kling, Meyer Jaïs and Jacob Madar officiate there.

The distribution of places in the synagogue is quite classic. A vestibule precedes a nave. The sanctuary is marked by an apse. The reception of men on the ground floor and women on the first floor. An oratory for men and a reception hall are present in the synagogue.
If the interior, with its curved bays with colored stained glass windows, is fairly sober, the facade is more impressive. The Star of David fits a rose, beneath which are the Ten Commandments. The bimah is located next to the holy ark. The Leviticus message “You will love your neighbor as yourself” is written in large, in Hebrew and French, on the wall facing the balcony.