Nylandsvägen, 20720 Åbo
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Nylandsvägen, 20720 Åbo
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Ilioupoleos 1, Athina 116 36
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Logginou 3, Athina 116 36 +30 21 0922 1621
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Rue des Grognards, 57220 Boulay-Moselle
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Lapinlahdenpolku 6, 00101 Helsinki Jewish Cemeteries – Jewish Community of Helsinki (jchelsinki.fi)
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The Jewish community has existed since Visigothic times and grew considerably under the Muslim occupation. When the first Christian troops arrived in 1266 under the command of Alfonso X of Castile, there were many synagogues, but most of the Jews preferred to leave the city and take refuge in Granada, which was still in Muslim hands. A few years later, Alfonso X the Wise sought to ...
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Marjan Park, Split
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Ul. Svetog Leopolda Bogdana Mandića 25, 31000, Osijek
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Rue de Diekirch 243, 6700 Arlon Tel : +32 63 22 46 79
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Namur is the capital of the Walloon region and has a great cultural heritage dating back 2000 years. The Jewish presence in Namur declined from the 19th century onwards, contrary to other Belgian cities, which witnessed a development of Jewish life, numbering at most a hundred people. Thus, in 1907, the Jewish community disappeared from Namur. Documents show that a rabbi and a hazan were ...
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Arlon is a very ancient town, dating back to the Gallo-Roman period. Since 1831, after the national independence, the Belgian constitution regulates the Jewish cult in the same way as the other recognised religions. Nevertheless, it was not until about thirty years later that the first official synagogues were built and inaugurated. In the meantime, prayers and religious festivals were ...
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Dieweg 95, 1180 Uccle Tel +32 2 374 17 50
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Michalské nám. 470, 715 00 Ostrava-Michálkovice
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Hrnčířská 73, 793 99 Osoblaha
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Neředín, 779 00, Olomouc
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Město 2017, 752 01 Kojetín
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The city of Ostrava is best known for its economic activity. It was one of the great coal mining regions and a major ironworks. The Jewish presence in the city was rather late, being limited by the local authorities. There are records of a Jewish resident renting a distillery in 1786. A community was slowly formed, officially taking shape in 1875 with about 60 members. A Jewish cemetery was ...
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Osoblaha is a Silesian village popular with contemporary tourists for its medieval buildings. The Jewish presence probably dates back to this period and was quite stable over the centuries until the 18th century. Jewish refugees from Vienna and Poland settled here. The Jewish community in Osoblaha included the presence of prominent rabbis. The number of Jews declined, especially at the ...
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Olomouc was the capital of Moravia from the 14th to the 17th centuries and a major trading town at that time. The Jewish presence is very old and seems to date from the 11th century. Documents from the Middle Ages have been found that attest to the payment of taxes by the Jews to the local authorities. The Jews of Olomouc were expelled in 1454 and their property seized. Nevertheless, some ...
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Kojetin is a Moravian town that has been known as a commercial crossroads for centuries and now hosts many cultural events. The Jewish presence in Kojetin seems to date back to at least the 13th century, although the earliest documents found attesting to this date from 1566. They mention the presence of 52 Jewish families in Judengasse. In the 16th century there was a and a . The synagogue ...
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Nezamyslova 27, 615 00 Brno +420 544 526 737
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Židovský hřbitov, Slavkov u Brna
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Brno is the capital of Moravia. The Jewish presence dates back to at least the 13th century, when the local authorities invited them to settle there without the discriminatory measures imposed in other places at that time. This warm welcome encouraged development, and by 1348 there were almost 1000 Jews living there. Graves from this period have even been found. However, the Jews were ...
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Austerlitz, Slavkov u Brna in Czech, is a town most famous for the Napoleonic battle of 1806. The Jewish presence in Moravia is one of the oldest, with a Jewish cemetery dating from the 12th century. Among the illustrious figures from the town is the author of the Sefer ha-Minhagim (1294), Moses ben Tobiah. There was also a yeshiva in Austerlitz at that time. At the beginning of the 17th ...
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Chodova Plana is a town known as an old trade route, for its mines and brewery and the long-standing fights between nobles to rule it. The Jewish presence probably dates from the end of the 16th century. A synagogue was mentioned in 1645, as well as an , where a few hundred graves are located. Threatened with expulsion on several occasions, a Jewish community continued to live there. About ...
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Šafaříkova 3012, 438 01 Žatec
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259 01 Votice Votice: Titulní stránka (mkcvotice.cz)
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400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město Statutární město Ústí nad Labem – Statutární město Ústí nad Labem (usti.cz)
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